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Strongly Connected Components (flexible) ( GIT_SCC )


An instance algorithm of class GIT_SCC< Out, In, It, OutSt, InSt, NSt, Mark > is an implementation of an algorithm that computes the strongly connected components.

Iterator version: There is an iterator version of this algorithm: SCC_It. Usage is similar to that of node iterators without the ability to go backward in the sequence and only a graph is allowed at creation time. Method compnumb() returns the component number of the current node.

#include < LEDA/graph/graph_iterator.h >


GIT_SCC< Out, In, It, OutSt, InSt, NSt, Mark > algorithm(OutSt ost, InSt ist, Mark ma, Out oai, const It& it, In iai)
    creates an instance algorithm of this class bound to the stack st and data accessor ma.



int algorithm.state() returns the internal state.

void algorithm.finish_algo() executes the algorithm until finished() is true.

bool algorithm.finished() returns true if the algorithm is finished.

InSt& algorithm.get_in_stack() gives direct access to the internal stack of incoming adjacency iterators.

In algorithm.in_current() returns the current iterator of the internal stack of incoming adjacency iterators.

OutSt& algorithm.get_out_stack() gives direct access to the internal stack of outgoing adjacency iterators.

Out algorithm.out_current() returns the current iterator of the internal stack of outgoing adjacency iterators.

itnodetype algorithm.current_node() returns the current node.

int algorithm.compnumb() returns the component number of the fixed node of the current iterator if current state is NEXT_IN.

int Performs one iteration of the core loop of the algorithm.


Each operation requires constant time. The algorithm has running time $\cal {O}$(| V| + | E|).

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