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Integer Sets ( int_set )


An instance S of the data type int_set is a subset of a fixed interval [a..b] of the integers, called the range of S.

#include < LEDA/core/int_set.h >


int_set S(int a, int b) creates an instance S of type int_set for elements from [a..b] and initializes it to the empty set.

int_set S(int n) creates an instance S of type int_set for elements from [0..n - 1] and initializes it to the empty set.


void S.insert(int x) adds x to S.
Precondition a < = x < = b.

void S.del(int x) deletes x from S.
Precondition a < = x < = b.

bool S.member(int x) returns true if x in S, false otherwise.
Precondition a < = x < = b.

int S.min() returns the minimal integer in the range of of S.

int S.max() returns the maximal integer in the range of of S.

void S.clear() makes S the empty set.

In any binary operation below, S and T must have the same range:

int_set& S.join(const int_set& T) replaces S by S $\cup$ T and returns it.

int_set& S.intersect(const int_set& T)
~ ~ replaces S by S $\cap$ T and returns it.

int_set& S.diff(const int_set& T) replaces S by S $\setminus$ T and returns it.

int_set& S.symdiff(const int_set& T)
~ ~ replaces S by (S $\setminus$ T) $\cup$ (T $\setminus$ S) and returns it.

int_set& S.complement() replaces S by [a..b] $\setminus$ S and returns it.

int_set S | const int_set& T returns the union of S and T.

int_set S & const int_set& T returns the intersection of S and T.

int_set S - const int_set& T returns the set difference of S and T.

int_set S

int_set ~S returns the complement of S, i.e. [a..b] $\setminus$ S.


Integer sets are implemented by bit vectors. Operations insert, delete, member, min and max take constant time. All other operations take time O(b - a + 1).

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