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Dictionaries ( dictionary )


An instance D of the parameterized data type dictionary<K,I> is a collection of items (dic_item). Every item in D contains a key from the linearly ordered data type K, called the key type of D, and an information from the data type I, called the information type of D. IF K is a user-defined type, you have to provide a compare function (see Section User Defined Parameter Types). The number of items in D is called the size of D. A dictionary of size zero is called the empty dictionary. We use < k, i > to denote an item with key k and information i (i is said to be the information associated with key k). For each k $\in$ K there is at most one i $\in$ I with < k, i > $\in$ D.

#include < LEDA/core/dictionary.h >


dictionary<K,I>::item the item type.

dictionary<K,I>::key_type the key type.

dictionary<K,I>::inf_type the information type.


dictionary<K,I> D creates an instance D of type dictionary<K,I> based on the linear order defined by the global compare function and initializes it with the empty dictionary.

dictionary<K,I> D(int (*cmp)(const K& , const K& ))
    creates an instance D of type dictionary<K,I> based on the linear order defined by the compare function cmp and initializes it with the empty dictionary.


const K& D.key(dic_item it) returns the key of item it.
Precondition it is an item in D.

const I& D.inf(dic_item it) returns the information of item it.
Precondition it is an item in D.

I& D[dic_item it] returns a reference to the information of item it.
Precondition it is an item in D.

dic_item D.insert(const K& k, const I& i)
    associates the information i with the key k. If there is an item < k, j > in D then j is replaced by i, else a new item < k, i > is added to D. In both cases the item is returned.

dic_item D.lookup(const K& k) returns the item with key k (nil if no such item exists in D).

I D.access(const K& k) returns the information associated with key k.
Precondition there is an item with key k in D.

void D.del(const K& k) deletes the item with key k from D (null operation, if no such item exists).

void D.del_item(dic_item it) removes item it from D.
Precondition it is an item in D.

bool D.defined(const K& k) returns true if there is an item with key k in D, false otherwise.

void D.undefine(const K& k) deletes the item with key kfrom D (null operation, if no such item exists).

void D.change_inf(dic_item it, const I& i)
    makes i the information of item it.
Precondition it is an item in D.

void D.clear() makes D the empty dictionary.

int D.size() returns the size of D.

bool D.empty() returns true if D is empty, false otherwise.


forall_items(it, D) { ``the items of D are successively assigned to it'' }

forall_rev_items(it, D) { ``the items of D are successively assigned to it in reverse order'' }

forall(i, D) { ``the informations of all items of D are successively assigned to i'' }

forall_defined(k, D) { ``the keys of all items of D are successively assigned to k'' }

STL compatible iterators are provided when compiled with -DLEDA_STL_ITERATORS (see LEDAROOT/demo/stl/dic.c for an example).


Dictionaries are implemented by (2, 4)-trees. Operations insert, lookup, del_item, del take time O(log n), key, inf, empty, size, change_inf take time O(1), and clear takes time O(n). Here n is the current size of the dictionary. The space requirement is O(n).


We count the number of occurrences of each string in a sequence of strings.

#include <LEDA/core/dictionary.h>

{ dictionary<string,int> D;
  string s;
  dic_item it;

  while (cin >> s)
  { it = D.lookup(s);
    if (it==nil) D.insert(s,1);
    else D.change_inf(it,D.inf(it)+1);

  forall_items(it,D) cout << D.key(it) << " : " <<  D.inf(it) << endl;


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