The type encoding_ostream<Coder> is the encoding counterpart of the type ostream from the C++ iostream library. Each instance os of type encoding_ostream<Coder> is attached to a streambuf sb. Every data that is written to os is encoded on-the-fly by an instance of type Coder and then written to sb. All operations and all operators («) defined for C++ ostreams can be applied to encoding_ostream as well.
#include < LEDA/coding/coder_util.h >
encoding_ostream<Coder> | os(streambuf* encoded_stream, bool own_stream = false) | |
creates an instance os and attaches it to the given streambuf object. |
Coder* | os.get_coder() | returns the instance of Coder which is used for encoding. |
void | os.close() | detaches os from its streambuf object. |