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Minimum Cut ( min_cut )

A cut C in a network is a set of nodes that is neither empty nor the entire set of nodes. The weight of a cut is the sum of the weights of the edges having exactly one endpoint in C.

int MIN_CUT(const graph& G, const edge_array<int>& weight, list<node>& C, bool use_heuristic = true)
    MIN_CUT takes a graph G and an edge_array weight that gives for each edge a non-negative integer weight. The algorithm ([82]) computes a cut of minimum weight. A cut of minimum weight is returned in C and the value of the cut is the return value of the function. The running time is O(nm + n2log n). The function uses a heuristic to speed up its computation.
Precondition The edge weights are non-negative.

list<node> MIN_CUT(const graph& G, const edge_array<int>& weight)
    as above, but the cut C is returned.

int CUT_VALUE(const graph& G, const edge_array<int>& weight, const list<node>& C)
    returns the value of the cut C.

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