Windows and Panels
The data type window is the base data type for all
visualization and animation support in LEDA . It provides an interface
for the graphical input and output of basic geometric objects.
What is a Window?
A window is a rectangular window on the screen and
consists of two rectangular regions:
A panel section in the upper part containing panel
items such as sliders and buttons and used for displaying text messages
and updating the values of variables.
A drawing section in the lower part to draw geometric
objects such as points, lines,..., or graphs
and to input any of these objects using a mouse.
Either part may be empty. If the window has no drawing section
it is called a panel .
On the right you see a screenshot of a window with a simple panel
section and the drawing of a Delaunay
Triangulation in the drawing section. The screenshot is taken
from the basic
example of how to use window.
Example of How to Use window
Panel and Menus
The data types panel and menu are special
types representing windows that have no drawing section.
- Panels support all panel operations of windows.
- There is a special operation that displays
a panel P , executes P.read_mouse() ,
closes P , and returns the result of read_mouse() .
- Menus are special panels that only consist of a vertical array
of buttons.
- Menus support only the addition of buttons.
- Menus can be used as subwindows attached to buttons only.
Further Topics:
See also:
Graphs and Related Data Types
Delaunay Triangulations
Manual Pages:
Page Windows
Page Panels
Page Menus
Page Colors
Page Postscript Files